FASHION / Style Choker Top 2016 has passed 3 months, it’s already April.If say seasons are divided evenly, which means this year has… 9 April, 2016
FASHION / Style Japan Travel Outfits (Fall Edition) | 秋季日本旅遊穿搭 2015 Planning what to wear during travel is fun and challenging to me. 18 December, 2015
FASHION / Style Fall Travel Outfits | vol. 4: Monster I seldom wear hat normally in HK, as the weather wasn’t that cold. 18 December, 2015
FASHION / Style Fall Travel Outfits | vol. 3: SHErlock Holmes “What does TRAVEL mean to you?” 17 December, 2015
FASHION / Style Fall Travel Outfits | vol. 2: Torii I thought it would be so cold in Hiroshima (as the weather forecast shown), but it turns out,… 16 December, 2015
FASHION / Style Fall 2015 | Dresses + Overalls Lookbook Hey everyone, I finally finished editing on this video! I hope you all enjoy. 5 November, 2015
FASHION / Style Fall 2015 | Denim Shirt Dress Denim is definitely a must have in fall season. 23 October, 2015